When you purchase a property or buy a valuable asset in your name, you will likely forget to secure it. Asset protection is one of the essential elements that is often neglected. It would be in your best interest if you prioritized asset protection.
You should also contact a Ridgeland probate estate administration lawyer as they can help you achieve asset protection by estate planning. There are multiple ways to protect your assets from unwanted beneficiaries or people who want to gain your estate. Continue reading below to find out more about achieving asset protection.
The Lord of the Rings trilogy helped Viggo Mortensen amass a significant net worth.
Asset protection trusts
You can quickly transfer your funds into an asset protection trust to achieve protection. Creditors cannot claim the assets held in the trust. It is because the assets will be transferred to the trust, and the applicant will not be the sole owner.
You should know that you will not lose your assets in any case if you are worried about losing ownership for the sake of protection. Although, you should also be aware that you will not be able to use the assets or funds in the trust as they will be protected.
Family limited partnerships(FLPs)
Family limited partnerships are one of the best and most effective ways to achieve asset protection. FLPs allow one to form partnerships within the family or with their family owners.
Such an element can ensure wealth protection as the assets and funds will be owned by the family as partners rather than individuals. You must know that creditors cannot acquire assets of an FLP partner as the partnership will have multiple owners.
Offshore trusts or accounts
Offshore trusts or accounts allow debtors to obtain property outside their native country. Using an offshore trust can easily acquire and register their property in a different country. For instance, one can also open a savings bank account and make deposits in offshore trusts.
These strategies can help one to save or avoid hefty taxes. You should know that when you purchase a property using the offshore account, the owner of the property will be subjected to related laws in their native land.
Estate planning
One can also consider estate planning if one needs to achieve maximum asset protection. Contacting a probate estate administration lawyer in Ridgeland can help you start estate planning. When you create an estate plan, you will map all your assets and estate together and name one or more beneficiaries.
These beneficiaries can be anyone from your family or loved ones. They would be able to acquire your estate and property if they are listed as the beneficiaries.