If you’ve been actively participating in the activities up to this point, you’ve established a broad understanding of the business analyst’s role and learned what it’s like. You’ve tried it on in your current job or via activities in your personal life. You’ve met at least a few business analysts and heard what they had to say. Maybe some of it resonated with you. Does it fit? Are you ready and committed to start a business analyst career? If so, congratulations!
Deciding to make a career change is a difficult decision and making the commitment to forge onto something new for your own personal and professional well-being, is a significant step. Well done. Pat yourself on the back. You’ll be tempted to start looking and applying for jobs and most likely you already have. But before you get too far down this path, please stop for just a few minutes. Grab your notebook and do a bit of writing.
Why does this change feel right? What are your expectations from this change? (for yourself, your family, your finances) What is your most important expectation? What are you going to have to give up to make this change? (friends at work, a secure job, work from home hours, etc) Are you still committed? It’s OK to say no.
But if you really felt committed before you thought through these questions, I’d challenge you to consider if you are letting your fears or your passions drive your commitment. For everything we take on, we must give something up.
This can be positive or negative, but it will be a change. Even letting go of negative things can require some grieving. Think about people who struggle with cigarettes and alcohol. What are you addicted to in your current position that could hold you back? It’s best to be aware of this now and face it head on rather than have it rear its ugly head in the middle of an interview for your dream job when someone inevitably asks you “what will you miss about your current job?”