So, you have been curious whether or not you should just go with atypical brick-and-mortar style vape store Australia, or if you should go with an online vape shop in Australia. With the ongoing push to switch to online shopping for as much as possible, something that is destined to happen anyhow with or without this stupid virus that just won’t go away, this is something that you legitimately should be considering. Is it better to shop online versus brick-and-mortar?
Well, let’s acknowledge first that the immediate and rapid adoption of the Internet to replace formerly in-person aspects of daily life isn’t just because it’s better, it was out of absolute necessity. It wasn’t safe for stores to be opening for people to be congregating, and to be honest, it never really was. The fact that this virus took this long to happen, a whole hundred years since the last time a virus nearly wiped out half of humanity, is actually quite amazing. There should never be a situation where thousands of people do any physical location in a day’s time, nor should they be crowded into a space with more than a few people per 20 feet or so.
However, as people quickly adapted to using this, something that isn’t actually intuitive to people who haven’t been technology enthusiasts previously, they began to realize that this online approach to work, school and shopping as well as socializing was just better in all regards. People didn’t have to worry about commuting, dealing with traffic, dealing with other people where they didn’t have to, and let’s be honest, most of us are actually somewhat antisocial when we can get away with it. Even those of us who are social butterflies would prefer that social interaction only be to advance our careers or to have fun with those we love.
But, there are also significant advantages to shopping online versus brick-and-mortar when it comes to a vape store in Australia. There are so many brands and flavors of vape that no brick-and-mortar vape shop in Australia can stock all of them, they can only stock the ones that are actually selling in high volumes, ergo the ones that are profitable. If you like a flavor or brand that isn’t all that popular at least in your area, you will be hard-pressed to get it in a brick-and-mortar location anywhere. This is an admonition of the people working at these brick-and-mortar places, shelf space is extremely limited.
Along with this, there is always the risk of them selling out of their inventory of any particular brand or flavor, there being a limited amount of space behind the store to hold onto unsold inventory as well. All of these things are not an issue to an online vape shop in Australia, though there is the disadvantage of having to wait for your stuff to be shipped, so there are times when shopping at a local shop is a good idea, and it’s also good to pop in every now and then the see if there is a new flavor you might want to try or a new brand, etc.