Star Utsav Movies is an Indian pay television channel that was launched in June 2016. The channel initially aired free-to-view on FreeDish, a satellite television service owned by Doordarshan. The channel has been a largely rural channel and has stopped being free-to-view as of 1 March 2019. Its channel name was changed to Star Utsav on 31 March 2019.
It will be available on Freedish until the end of 2019. Unlike its predecessor, Star Utsav Movies will be aimed at rural markets. The network will make it available on other platforms later. For now, it will be on Freedish, with a later decision on how to distribute the channel. Here is a list of upcoming programs on the channel: – News World India: A 24-hour national news and entertainment channel.
– Star Utsav Movies will be aimed at rural markets. The channel was initially launched as a free-to-air channel on 28 May 2016. After a period of exclusivity, it began telecasting in the rural market. In December 2020, it will go free-to-air on FreeDish. However, it will resume its free-to-view telecast in March 2019.
– DD Free DISH: In the past, this channel was free-to-air and now makes it a pay channel. This new channel will be available on DD Freedish as of June 10. But be aware that it will only be on the DD Freedish service for a limited time. If you have a regular satellite dish, you can still access the Star Utsav Movies schedule on the DD Freedish service.
As a paid app, Star Utsav Movies requires a subscription to access all movie listings. This is not the case with a free version, though. It is a free app that will let you watch movies in the comfort of your own home. The application is highly rated and comes with a lot of features. It is a great source for Bollywood movies. This app is a must-have for all Bollywood fans.